• pure fragrance from nature's own aroma...

Oudh Al Hind

Natural products from the house of Abdul Rehman Sons International

We are in natural essential oil and perfumery products

Welcome to Abdul Rehman Sons, your number one source for all natural things. We are dedicated to your needs with a focus on dependability, customer service and uniqueness. We are now digital for our valued customers to order directly from the convenience of their homes. We hope to serve you and delight you.

Essential Oils

100% pure and natural essential oils extracted by Hydro-Steam distillation process

Incense Bakhoor

Bakhoor incense made by fragrant blend of natural ingredients such as oud wood, resins, essential oils and fragrance compounds.

Perfumery Products

Resins, compounds, fragrance crystals, perfumery bottles, packaging etc. 

Fragrant Wood chips

Natural woods of Agarwood, Sandalwood, chips and dusts. 

Reasons to choose
​Oudh Al Hind

Abdul Rehman Sons International, an Assam based Aromatic Essential Oil Distillation company is engaged solely in producing and providing worldwide "Oudh Al Hind" in pure and natural form.
Our goal here at Abdul Rehman Sons is to continue leading the way of purity so that every customer enjoys the Medicinal and Health benefits of "Oudh Al Hind". Agarwood of India.
We have never compromised our quality and never will. You may find that other companies may offer lower prices, but they cannot match or provide the quality we offer. We encourage you to do your own research and make your own decision. We will always honor our commitment in offering the purest quality of "Oudh Al Hind"
Our oils are created using the best of raw materials which are exact cultivated wild in origin and extracted by traditional hydro steam distillation process.
100% Purity assured.

Fragrance and Perfumes

Check out our premium products

High Quality Luxury Fragrance at an affordable price

Agarwood Oil 

100% pure and natural agrawood oil extracted by hydro-steam distillation method.

Natural Salid Perfumes

agarwood (Oudh) in natural wax form (No Beeswax or synthetic wax or any chemical mixtures added), its natural, wild and exotic fragrance with medicinal and health properties

Incense Burning Bakhoor

Bakhoor creates a calming and inviting atmosphere, perfect for relaxation, meditation, or enhancing the ambiance of a space.

The soothing aroma of bakhoor can help alleviate stress and anxiety, promoting a sense of tranquility and well-being.

Many cultures use bakhoor during spiritual practices, rituals, or ceremonies to enhance focus, mindfulness, and spiritual connection. Some believe that burning bakhoor helps to purify the air by neutralizing odors and airborne bacteria, creating a fresher environment. 

Long Lasting Mild Perfumes

an ambience to uplift mood and promote positivity, making it an excellent choice and a sense of comfort.

Contact us to serve you with natural fragrance products